InCred Money

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Multiply your money with
Pre - IPO || Unlisted Shares

Grab your chance to invest in India’s top companies.
Get started with just 1 share.

Why unlisted shares?


Get early access to top companies

Gain exclusive early access before they become widely available, positioning yourself for potential maximum returns in a competitive market


Diversify your portfolio

Diversification helps safeguard your portfolio by minimizing potential negative impacts and enhancing overall resillience


Invest in unique industries

Gain access to unique industries and sectors beyond those represented in the current market listings, expanding your opportunities and broadening your reach

How unlisted shares are different

Limited liquidity

Liquidity is not freely available

Market Risk

Subject to market and price risk

Long-term commitment

Longer lock-ins periods

WHY InCred Money

We set you up for success

Start investing with just 1 share

We believe in making private equity accessible for all, and offer lower ticket sizes than ever before.


Zero-commissions, no hidden fees

Your earnings on InCred Money are yours alone. No transaction fee, no hidden charges and no commission


No-cost access to experts

Speak to our experts at no cost, at every step of your investment journey. They are always reachable, and will also offer critical suggestion proactively

Trusted by 1,50,000+ customers

These guys have a good track record, so it was a no-brainer for me to invest about 4 lakhs in their first issue. I'll also recommend to my family & friends to invest

Lakshminarayanan Iyer

All information required for me to invest has been laid out in a transparent manner. Webinar has helped me take an informed decision.

Nidhi Agarwal

How to Invest

Create an account
Create an account

Sign up, complete your KYC

Select & buy shares
Select & buy shares

Choose from our curated shares

See it in your account
See it in your account

Share added to both your InCred Money portfolio and demat account.

Refer and earn
Earn upto ₹10,000 for every referral 
Transaction Benefit
On every transaction for 1 year
Amazon Pay Voucher
On your referral’s first transaction only

Learn more about our referral policy.

Calculate your rewards
Total number of friends you refer
Avg. amount invested by each friend

Coming soon...

Popular Pre - IPO | Unlisted Shares shares that we are currently evaluating

Start your alternate investment journey today.